About Us Lots To Know

Okay, so we aren't the huge corporate conglomerate waiting to suck in your business and spit you back out - you should be glad. Have you ever had customer service so icky that you felt sick when the experience was over? Did they top off that top-notch service with a computer that was no better off than when you started? And was the total price tag inversely related to the results they actually accomplished? We aren't like that, at all
The work we perform is a personal reflection of the way we would like the work done for us - done correctly, promptly, with obvious beneficial results. No smoke and mirrors, no 1% improvements, no bills for every little minute worked. We bill based on the results - if you were to ask us for the moon and we were able to get it, we'd bill you. Otherwise, you'll be lucky to see a bill at all. We expect that we'll be able to fix whatever problem you place in our hands, but we won't take on the impossible, and we won't bill you for the traps we set for ourselves. If you insist we tackle the impossible, then we'll probably bill you for the mental pain you left us with, but at least you'll know we tried.
And speaking of billing, we invoice you for the work done unless you have some burning desire to part with your money as soon as possible. It easier for us to figure out the bill afterwards then hurry up and make a mistake we'll end up invoicing you for later. It also insures that repairs made are actually resolved before you get the bill - any reoccurring issues are usually dealt with before the bill comes, so when it's time to pay, you're already a satisfied customer.
If you're ready to take your technology service to a whole new level, try us out. If you haven't heard of us before, it's because we haven't been selling ourselves on the street corners like most every other technology store. If you have heard of us, it's probably been from someone that recommended us because of the exceptional experience they had (Jimmy's still the only one we know of, but his only real complaint was our choice of haircuts). We don't advertise, so you won't see our names on buses, billboards, placemats or phonebooks. You might see it on the school booster list or a charity donation list, but you'll most likely hear about us from a friend - someone we've done work for and they were so happy with the results that they couldn't help but tell everyone who badmouths a computer. We really pride ourselves (sheepishly) on what other people say about us. It reflects well on us as technicians, people, and a company. If our customers aren't happy, how can we possibly be happy?
So, if you're ready for a fresh new experience with technology (without the 3D glasses), give us a call and find out what makes us such a better option.